Relationship Therapy
Do you feel misunderstood? Not heard? Do you find yourself shutting down, losing your temper, constantly feeling on the defence? Have you lost trust? Do you feel you and your partner are roommates leading parallel lives? Has your sex life become non-existent or stagnant?
Boundaries demonstrate to others how we want to be treated. Most of us grow up in families with dysfunctional communication—for example, rigid, distant, and enmeshed. Together we will work to improve your ability to set solid boundaries.
The way we learn to communicate originates in our family of origin. Often we carry this communication style into the present. Learning to set healthy boundaries with others is important for your mental health.
Without healthy communication, a loving, respectful, compassionate relationship cannot survive and yet, few of us are taught how to communicate effectively.
These are just a few issues that can bring a once loving, solid relationship to one of bitterness, resentment and hurt.
Each of us brings our stories into our intimate relationships—the joyful ones, the painful ones, the traumatic ones. In so doing, we enter into relationships bringing all of our mess—our love, our shadow sides, our strengths and our weaknesses.
No relationship is perfect, and we all face bumps along the way, but it is how you navigate the bumps — the hurt, the anger, the sadness — that is key. Together I work with you to develop tools to improve your relationship.
You do not have to wait for a crisis to hit to seek out couples therapy. Preventative couples therapy helps nurture and sustain already strong connections.