Building Self-Confidence
You don’t have to have major challenges to be in therapy. We all live with some amount of stress. Life is bound to throw you curveballs.
Being proactive and learning stress reduction tools allows you to surf those waves instead of being pulled under. Why wait until you are underwater and fighting to breathe?
Living in the past can lead to depression, and fear of the future can lead to anxiety; taking care of the present takes care of the future.
Practicing mindfulness reduces stress, increases immunity and improves focus and concentration.
Perhaps you are not struggling; however, you want to move forward and grow. Like back peddling on a bicycle, you are feeling stale and wondering how to live more fully.
Moving from a mundane life to an inspiring one is possible. Together we look at your dreams and goals to see which ones are your priorities. Putting “legs” on dreams and goals can be challenging. Let me help you conceive of ways to actualize your potential.
Just as exercise keeps us physically healthy, therapy keeps us emotionally balanced.